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Hi there! My name is Madi, and I'm here to share a little bit of my journey with you. I am so glad you're here!


Ultimately, my work with myself is to stay present, and always come back to my heart for the answers and Love as the Truth. I find that what supports me is my connection to Spirit, and being grateful to embrace this journey of life!  

In my work, I use the word "God" interchangeably with Light Energy, Spirit, The Universe, Nature, Higher Self, Love, The Angels, etc. It really is less about religion/creed, and more about what someone can connect with.

I utilize this connection to Source to hold an intentional and sacred container that is an invitation for my clients to feel seen + held in their wholeness. Through this connection is how I am able to channel light energy/God's love (Reiki), and sometimes I may receive messages that can presently support my clients if they are open to that. I am passionate about supporting people in remembering the wholeness of their Truest Self and how to navigate their internal and external experience of life with integrity, grace, gratitude and love.


I LOVE learning, and currently I am a student of Metaphysical Science, soon to hold an Msc.D. I am fascinated by the Mind-body connection, and the wisdom of the Heart, and there have been many great masters and teachers that have held the mirror, lead the way, and that I have been blessed to learn from. I am a devoted practitioner of Kriya Yoga, and am called to many teachings/practices.

Some being:

A Course in Miracles, Hinduism, Buddhism, Christ Consciousness, Universal/Metaphysical/Spiritual Laws, Quantum Theory, Transformational distinctions, Rebirth Breath work, Astrology, and most importantly, I am a student of life!  

I feel that the journey h(om)e is a personal, and intimate journey, and there is no "right" or "wrong" vehicle to travel through it in. 


Through discovering alternative and integrative ways to heal my own ailments, and through my endless curiosity of religion, the universe and philosophy, and the power of the mind, my path started to unfold in front of me. There have been many steps along the path so far, and  In 2018 I began my Reiki Healing training and am currently a "Reiki Master" in the Usui method. I have also received  Thai Massage Certifications in 2021/2022.

I am very grateful to share what I learn, what supports me, and to be of service through these modalities God has lead me to. 

In gratitude,




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