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Integration support

I believe denying Spirit in the physical world leads to imbalance and ultimately needless suffering

These Integration offerings are intended to support you in applying information you may have received, concepts that you have learned, and higher states you have reached. 


Although you may conceptually understand the information you’ve received through spiritual practices, integration is the moment to moment embodiment of that wisdom which requires new neural pathways to be built through practice.


Integration requires repetition. According to many different spiritual traditions, as well as some psychologists, it usually takes about 2 weeks to 30 days to make any real lasting change in behavior. This allows the neural networks in the brain to change through growth and reorganization. 


Integration is a piece of the puzzle that supports us with embodying our wholeness, bringing balance into our daily lives, making homeostasis our new norm, thinking, responding and behaving in a more aligned manner though new habits, routines, and choices.

Integration goes hand-in-hand with our integrity: when what we think, say and do are all lined up.


Options for everyone

Reiki Clients

• Text support - 6-month container of weekly checkpoints via text for personalized support on your journey $240

Spiritual Counseling calls
- 60 min $122
-1 month (4 calls) $444

​Reiki Certification Students

HIH Graduates 

• Community Circles - Free access to circles for practicing passing Reiki with other Reiki practitioners

Addon Options:
- Text support - 6-month container of weekly checkpoints via text for personalized support on your journey $240
- Discounted Mentorship calls - deep dive into specifics, Q&A, application, embodiment etc., scheduled as needed
    - 60 min $111
    -1 month (4 calls) $444

(Launching Soon!)

Addon Options:
- Weekly Q&A call -  individual coaching throughout program
- Post-program Private coaching - 1 hour deep dive into 1 module per week
Community monthly call - for graduates of HIH part II 

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